For a quick-fire overview, see a video of our presentation at Ecobuild last month below - 20 slides presented in 20 seconds each.The concept sets out a fresh strategy and toolkit for delivering high density development at a “human scale”.
Key objectives are:
"Making places to fit people, not the other way around."
Catalyse joined-up thinking to bridge the gap between “top-down” and “bottom-up”, community-led development approaches.
To put forward new ways of making impact at scale, whilst also paying attention to the finer details of quality of life, well-being, urban vitality, character of place and community relations.
The initial concept was selected by the Mayor of London and New London Architecture as a winner in an international competition for innovative proposals to help solve the housing crisis.
We were invited to City Hall for a roundtable workshop with the GLA to see how the ideas can be put into practice. Following the GLA’s feedback, we have been developing the concept further, including designing a whole new house typology.
We will be launching the next stages of the project in the coming months and Natasha will be speaking at the London Build conference in October on "Can architects and developers help to resolve the housing shortage through strategic design?"

About the Intimate Infrastructure project at a glance:
Intimate Infrastructure comprises new models for accommodating contemporary patterns of living, and aims to integrate thinking holistically across different scales, including:
3 new house typologies in response to current demands (new shared homes for private renters, re-thinking larger family homes and possibilities for intergenerational housing)
Place-making toolkit for housing-led regeneration
Fusion of experiential, human-centred design with strategic design to bring together economic, social and cultural values.
Emphasis on creating connections between people and places